Reset HP iLO interface

Today I had to change some settings on the HP iLO interface on a server. When I applied the changes I was notified that the settings would take place after the iLO interface was reset, but how do you reset it?


The notification message was ”There are pending changes that may not take effect until ILO is reset”. You can reset the iLO interface via the Webinterface and SSH.

Reset the iLO interface via the webinterface

1) Login to the iLO webinterface

2) Expand Information, and then Diagnostics

3) Click on the “Reset” button, and click on “OK” to reset the iLO interface


The ILO interface will reset, and you changes are

Reset the iLO interface via SSH

1) Use PuTTy or Tera Term to connect via SSH to the IP address of the iLO interface.

2) Click “Yes” when the PuTTy Security Alert shows

3) Fill in the username & password (these are the same as for the iLO webinterface)

4) Enter the following:

cd /map1


Now your iLO interface will reset and the settings will be applied.

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